CoCoMutts Virgin Coconut Oil for Dogs 500ml


Coco Mutts coconut oil is natures best kept secret for your dogs and is produced by cold pressing the flesh of fresh coconuts. Made with no added chemicals, CoCo Mutts is simple, natural, pressed and filtered which means that all the goodness is retained. CoCo Mutts also tastes great. Coconut oil provides a rich source of medium chain triglycerides such as Lauric Acid and can have many benefits to your dog when fed as part of their regular diet. Features: • Helps with skin conditions such as hot spots & dry or itchy skin • Reduces doggy odour • Helps to prevent and even treat fungal infections • Can help with joint pain & arthritis • Antibacterial properties promote the healing of wounds, bites & stings• Great for cleaning dogs ears and preventing infection

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