Good Boy Puppy Milk Drops 125g


Good Boy Puppy Milk Drops is safe choc for dogs! Unlike many other brands, Good Boy Choc does not contain Cocoa and is a perfectly safe and tasty treat fir dogsPoisoning from human chocolate is on the increase Vets have seen an increase of almost 19% from 2008 to 2009 in the number of dogs falling ill after eating chocolate with 1,166 cases being reported… this does not include the number of pets poisoned that have died or where cases have not been reported.Why is it poisonous? Human chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical found in the cocoa bean. It is theobromine that is poisonous to dogs and if eaten can cause diarrhoea, restlessness, nausea and vomiting. Serious cases can be fatal. Ingredients : Oils and Fats, Milk and Milk Derivatives (Milk content min 4%), Various Sugars, Cereals and Minerals, Additives: Sensory Additives: Flavourings

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