HiLife Feed Me! Complete Nutrition Lamb & Chicken With Tomato & Veg Semi-Moist Dog Food 6kg


HiLife FEED ME! With Lamb & Chicken Flavoured with Tomatoes & Veg is a delicious and nutritious recipe that your canine companion will love to tuck into! A complete pet food made using a selection of meat proteins, vegetables and a balance of carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and vitamins & minerals. A soft, moist and meaty meal is created, that’s great tasting, nutritionally balanced and avoids much of the mess often associated with other types of food. Ingredients:Meat Meals (17%, including lamb), Ground Whole Wheat, Wheat Bran. Soybean Meal (produced from genetically modified soya), Sugar, Chicken (4%), Poultry Fat, Minerals, Salt, Meat Stock, Tomato Powder (1.0%), Dried Vegetables (1.0%), Sunflower Oil.Analytical Constituents: Protein 21.0%, Fat Content 7.0%, Crude Fibres 3.0%, Inorganic Matter 9%, Moisture 21%, Calcium 1.6%

SKU: 3720024413 Category: Tag:


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