HiLife Feed Me! Something Special Beef & Chicken Semi-Moist Dog Food 800g x 4


HiLife FEED ME! Something Special with Beef & Chicken is a nutritious and delicious recipe that your dog can truly enjoy. It includes unique and succulent sausages bites, and other meaty protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and vitamins. The finished result is a totally different combination of soft, moist and meaty pieces that’s completely lip-licking, nutritionally balanced and even avoids a lot of the dinner time mess associated with other types of food.• Exceptionally palatable, semi-moist pieces combine with sliced sausage. • Particularly good for older dogs who find it difficult to chew dry food.• Brimming with fresh meaty pieces.• Helps to produce a glossy and soft coat.• Supports strong teeth & bones.Ingredients:Ground whole wheat, chicken (14%), soybean meal (produced from genetically modified soya), meat meals (including beef 4%), sugar, glycerol, wheat bran, poultry fat, salt, meat stock, minerals.Analytical Constituents:Protein 18%, Fat content 8%, Crude fibres 2%, Inorganic matter 6.5%, Moisture 22%, Calcium 0.7%, Phosphorus 1.1%.Feeding Guide:Ready-to-serve straight from the bag, there’s nothing else to add – just ensure your dog has access to plenty of fresh drinking water. Individual dogs’ requirements vary according to age, size and level of activity. As a guide, feed an average medium size dog 300g per day in one or two meals.

SKU: 3720024405 Category: Tag:


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